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Ethnological And Linguistical Aspects Of The Ural-Altaic Hypothesis

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Table of Contents

1. Preliminary Remarks

2. The Human Unit

3. Definition of "Ethnos"

4. Process of Variations in Ethnoses

5. Centrifugal and Centripetal Movements in Ethnoses and Formation of New Ethnoses

6. Cultural Elements and Complexes

7. Cultural Complexes as Functional Phenomenon

8. Variations of Cultural Phenomena

9. Impulses of Variations, Their Intensity and Tempo of Variation

10. Language

11. Sounding Starters

12. The Language In Ethnoses

13. Formation and Transmission of Linguistic Complexes

14. Classification of Languages

15. Centripetal and Centrifugal Movements In Languages

16. Language as Ethnographical Phenomenon in the Process of Ethnical Variations

17. The Problem of Common Words

18. Particular Cases of Common Words

19. Correlation Between Ethnoses and Languages

20. Theory of Evolution and Languages

21. Logical Consequences of the Theory of Evolution Applied to Languages

22. Phonetic and Morphological Consequences Implied by the Theory of Evolution

23. Conception of "Progress"

24. Element of Time

25. Conception of "Primitive" Language

26. Authors' Attitude and the Theory of Evolution

27. Linguistics as One of the Elements of the European Ethnographical Complex

28. The Theoretical Background of the Ural-Altaic Hypothesis

29. Consequences Resulting from the Fundamental Propositions

30. Tungus Comparative Material

31. Aspiration and Bilabialization of the Initial Vowels a Phonetic Fashion

32. The Goldi Language Not a Typical Northern Tongas, Neither a Southern Tungus

33. Mongol Aspiration and Bilabialization

34. Linguistic Importance of a Correct Solution of the Problem of Aspiration and Bilabialization

35. The Scope of the Present Analysis

36. Examples of Cases Rejected Without a Detailed Analysis

37. Examples of Cases Rejected After a Minute Analysis

38. Cases with Initial and Intervocalic Labial Consonants

39. Cases with Initial and Intervocalic Dental Consonants

40. Cases with Initial and Intervocalic Glottal Consonants

41. Cases with the Initial and Intervocalic ng

42. Conclusions

43. Influence of Theoretical Presumptions of Evolution

44. Phonetic Laws and Their Application

45. Restoration of Stems and Difficulties in Operating Them

46. Semantic Parallelism and Its Application

47. Operation with the Morphological Elements and the Using of Foreign Words

48. Summary as to the Methods Used

49. The Origin of Methodological Peculiarities Met with in the Discussion of the Ural-Altaic Hypothesis

50. The Problem of Common Words

51. The Tungus Language and the Uralo-Altaic Hypothesis

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